Thursday, November 27, 2014

Unit 12 - Differende between L1 and L2 learning



      In this unit I learned that there are many differences between the mother tongue (L1) and the second language (L2), which are important to know to help our future students.

      First, the main difference is that both are learned in different context since L1 learning starts when the learner is a baby and continuous through childhood and adolescence. What is more they learn it at the same time as their cognitive skills and are motivated because of their personal needs. On the other hand, L2 learning occurs at the classroom and also continuous in adulthood, but they are also developing their cognitive skills at that time. However, they may not be mature or fully developed

    Second L1 learners are being exposed to language while L2 learners focus on structure and interaction with the teachers, where they use controlled practice and are corrected. But in “real” life they will learn from their mistakes.


     In conclusion, L1 and L2 acquisition can be carried out in terms of cognitive, affective, linguistic and neurological factors. As a result, it focuses on an individual’s intellectual development and also in their emotions. Regarding to it, we need to build up their fluency, motivation and confidence to experiment with both languages, by also trying to give them individual attention and interacting with them. Additionally, by understanding the complex processes involved in L1 and L2 learning and understanding and investigating these processes will made us aware to adapt excellent language teaching tips though to combine them into the classroom. 


 (Anonymous), Second Language Acquisition, 2014

Ahmad Moinzadeh, Salman Dezhara, Omid Rezaei, A Contrastive Study of L1and L2 Acquisition, 2012


  1. Diane and Michael Long. 1991. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
    Research.Brown, H. D. (1994) Principles of Language Learning and Teaching
    Ellis, R. (1994), The study of second language acquisition.
    McLaughlin, B. (1991).Theories of second language learning.



  1. Gaby your information is vey relevant since it contain many links and references that we can use in order to develop our teaching process. I like this blog becuase I consider that learning a second language is very challenge and we have to apply strategies in order to learn it better and achive accuracy.

  2. great job Gaby!
    thsi blog shows that you have a deep understanding on the topic. I agree when you say that for motivating our students we have to give them individual attention and interacting since A GOOD MOTIVATION does not come only from the learner, but also from the teacher. I have watched your videos I see them so interesting!

  3. I agree with you gaby investigating these processes will made us aware to adapt excellent language teaching tips though to combine them into the classroom, Most of the time we as teachers don´t take into account the cognitive, affective, linguistic and neurological factors and sometimes we fail on achievement the outcomes!

  4. Great!

    I really enjoyed reading your reflection.
    And I liked the videos you published because they are very explicit when commenting on the L1 and L2 features.
    From them I learned specific features like for example: characteristics of both labguages and how they are acquired.

  5. Your comment about this unit is really clear, i like the way who you describe the use of this topic in the classroom with our students, I agree with you about the use of this element in the EFL classroom. I found that your links have very useful information about this unit.

  6. Thank you for clarifying the differences between L1 and L2. I like the part when you say that we as teachers need to build up students fluency, motivation and confidence to experiment with both languages. This useful information will help me to improve my teaching skills.

  7. Your conclusions show a clear understanding about what the unit refers to. I found interesting the videos you present about this unit.

  8. Interesting reflection Gaby! I really your the conclusion you got that L1 and L2 can be carried out in terms of cognitive, affective, linguistic and neurological factors! I agree with that since learning a language is not as easy as it could seem!

    Great Job!

  9. Great blog!
    New and interesting information this definitely adds very relevant information to be used in our own teaching.

  10. Dear Gabriela,
    Your reflective blog shows a high level of understing about the differences between L1 and L2 and I´m going to take notes from the videos and the references .
    Good post.
