Sunday, November 30, 2014

Unit 18 - Assessment types and Tasks



    This Unit made me to be clear of the term “Assessment”, which refers to judging students’ performance either in an informal assessment or a formal assessment. To accomplish it, there are many useful tools.

      In my case, the most important thing to do when starting a course is to use the diagnostic test to know their bases. Then after certain period of time I would add a formative assessment to know and be aware of students’ progress. So also a portfolio would be essential. However it will give me the chance to provide positive feedback for improving students’ outcomes.

     To this, it is also important to encourage students to assess themselves to become autonomous and have clear what they need to improve or information that they did not understand. As a result, assessing requires the participation of both, teachers and students. So as teachers we have to motivate them to carry out a self assessment.


Giffith University, Assessment matters, 2013

George Brown, Assessment: A Guide for Lecturers, 2001

Katie Lepi, The 6 Types Of Assessments - How They’re Changing, 2013


  1. Thanks for sharing your video about TASK TYPES, I got deeply understanding about them, because we as future teachers must know how to desing an informal or informal test and what is the purpose of them.
    Excellent Gabriela!

  2. I agree with you since you said that diagnostic test is important to take place at the beggining of the course. Thanks for sharing the video which clarifies better your reflection
