Sunday, November 30, 2014

Unit 15 - Approaches to Language Teaching



       In this unit I learned that an approach to language teaching can refer to our view of language and our view of how language learning takes place. In addition, I learned that approaches involve our beliefs about teaching, languages and language learning and also how we translate them into classroom practice. As a result, this unit analyzed 9 different approaches.

    First, the Presentation, Practice and Production which focuses on grammatical structures or functions. Here lessons move from the presentation stage to the practice stage and then to the production. As a result, Teacher has to input language and then add activities of miming, drills at the controlled practice, role plays, and information – gap- activities.

   Second, the Lexical approach focuses on lexis such as, chunks, collocations, idioms. Then the functional approach where functions are the most important aspects of language but at the Communicative approaches everything is based on communication, the use of interaction, and accuracy. Next we have the Grammar – translation which emphasizes on grammatical accuracy.

   On the other hand, the Total Physical Response is where students after comprehension is accomplish; they are exposed to the language.  Then the Guided discovery is when the teacher gives examples and later students work out their rules.  Following, the Content-based learning is ruled after all the previous one and all skills. Finally, the Content and Language Integrated Language is based on the acquisition and cognitive.

   As a result, we need to get aware of the needs and expectations of learning to adapt the correct approach since we might have to adapt each of them in different stages.  


Paul Shoebottom, A guide to learn English,  1996-2014

One stop English, Teaching Approaches, 2000-2014


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 2001

1 comment:

  1. Excelent job Gabby
    This video make a good recomendation about the book of approaches and methods in the classroom, also the authors considering this as a tool for teacher, because each chapter can develop different circumstances that happen in the class.
